Covid-19 appointment information


We are so excited to see you for your scheduled appointment! We sincerely hope you and your families have been healthy throughout these trying times. As you plan for your visit please make note of the following to ensure everyone’s care and safety.

  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment.

  • Call our office (310-792-6262) when you arrive and remain in your car until you are instructed to come into the office.

  • Please complete the Wellness Screening forms for the patient’s Pediatric Dentistry or Orthodontic appointment by clicking the appropriate link below. In addition, a non-touch infrared temperature reading will be completed before entering our practice.

  • We ask that only the patient come in for their appointment. If you would like to accompany your child, we ask that only one person attend the appointment. Please be advised that you will be screened for COVID-19 during check-in.

  • Patients and parents will be asked to wear a mask to the appointment.

  • You will be provided with hand sanitizer upon entering our practice.

  • Social distancing, whenever possible, will be practiced. This may include modified seating in the waiting room and clinic area.

  • Your child’s 6 month cleaning appointment will be automatically scheduled. Please call our office if you would like to modify your scheduled appointment.

  • Please brush your teeth before arriving at the office.


changes we’ve made around the office

  • All staff and doctors complete wellness screenings and have their temperatures taken in the morning and after lunch to keep everyone safe.

  • We’ve increased our cleaning schedule, especially in high traffic areas (e.g. patient bathroom, waiting room and reception).

  • We have purchased medical grade air purifiers with HEPA-13 filters. These purifiers improve air quality in the office and mitigate the spread of airborne infections. 

  • HEPA filters with UV light have been installed in the A/C system to eliminate all harmful particles in the air. 

  • We’ve installed sneeze guards to prevent the spread of infection. 

  • We’ve re-arranged our waiting room furniture to maintain physical distancing rules and placed hand sanitizing stations throughout the office. 

  • To help mitigate the spread of infection, we have temporarily removed magazines, books, toys and iPads from the office. However, if you would like to bring your own crayons or colored pencils, we will provide you with coloring paper. 

  • We’ve implemented intraoral high speed suction to dramatically decrease aerosol and treatment time as well as improve patient comfort.

  • Many of our high risk patients have compromised immune systems, cardiac conditions and other severe medical conditions that make them very vulnerable to COVID-19. We have implemented special appointment times to ensure their safety.